Catalan Foundation of ALS Miquel Valls

The Catalan Foundation of ALS Miquel Valls is the only organization that supports people affected by ALS and their families throughout Catalonia, it also supports research so that in the near future, hopefully, the disease will be curable. Born in 2005 promoted by its President, Mr. Enric M. Valls, whose father died years earlier due to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and gives our organization its name.
Until a cure is found, the organization works to improve the quality of life of all people who suffer from this disease. It does this by implementing its own model that contemplates a comprehensive vision, through professionals specialized in the disease.
From the Foundation, multidisciplinary and comprehensive care is provided to people affected by ALS and their families throughout Catalonia, in their homes and in the specialized units of the disease of reference hospitals. These accompaniments are carried out by professionals in social work, occupational therapy and psychology, the organization also has a Bank of Support Products, which has more than 2500 materials that we provide when they are required, and other projects such as the Groups of Support and Mutual Aid or Telemedicine.
The attention is fully personalized and coordinated in each case, attending to real and specific needs. Getting to know people in their environment allows us to get involved and understand their day-to-day life, offering them a warmth and familiarity that is essential for the organization in the accompaniment process, as well as to be able to claim the needs of this collective.